Architect/Designer: Woods Bagot
Client: Sydney International Container Terminals Pty Ltd
Location: Foreshore Road, Botany
Work completed by Active Metal
Glazed balustrades, prime painted balustrades, stainless steel handrails, hot dip galvanised steel fabrication
Port Botany recently underwent a major expansion of its container port facilities to cater for long term trade growth. As the largest port project in Australia in the last 30 years, the project included the addition of many community facilities (including boat ramp, lookouts and pathways) and 1850 metres of additional wharf face for five extra shipping berths.
With trade steadily increasing throughout the ports of Sydney, this incredible expansion will secure ongoing economic growth for NSW. The Active Metal team assisted with this key project by fabricating, supplying and installing over 150 metres of glazed and prime painted balustrades and finishing the project to an exceptional level of workmanship with many other miscellaneous metalwork items.