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6th May 2020

As of Wednesday 6th May, Active Metal reopened their Sydney Olympic Park offices! While the threat of COVID still exists, not all staff have returned and it will be at least another 8 weeks before all of the team are back together.

Construction Industry in NSW, VIC, ACT and QLD

The Construction Industry is completely operational in all states in which we operate so our site teams and supporting production facilities continue to deliver their contracted works.

All Offices Operational

All offices are functioning and back at work, though some Administration roles continue to work remotely without any impact to our customer service.

All departments of the business are at full strength and back to normal

Sale, Estimating, Design, Project Managers,Site Managers and Installers in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne are continuing to service our clients needs at all levels

Interstate Travel Open

All employee interstate travel is back in play, though Zoom meetings remain as functional and convenient as ever and will continue to be a part of the mix going forward. Road travel via closed borders remains impacted but this should not affect the delivery of any current projects.

Active Metal Factory FullyOperational

The Active Metal factory at Silverwater remains fully operational and continues to fabricate bespoke elements for specific projects.

Hygiene and Social Distancing

In the office, onsite and in the factory, all our employees and partners are continuing to adhere to the new normal of strict safety and hygiene directions and precautions, including social distancing. Remember Casual Contact is not Close Contact so keep safe and keep well!

Coming Out Stronger

While some things are changed for ever, we believe that like many Australian businesses, we have survived so far and hopefully, we continue to thrive! Working from home is now a part of the “new-normal”, social distancing continues, as well as the emphasis on thorough hygiene and keeping well. But Active Metal has an awesome team and we all continue to pull together, to pull through!

We are all very thankful to be living in a country with an exceptional healthcare system and an excellent government that cares about its people.

Thank you for your continued support.


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