Active Metal – 100% Australian Made

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Let’s give a big shout out for all things Australian Made!

From the companies who are making medical supplies in support of our brave doctors and nurses on the front-line of the virus crisis, to the local manufacturers like Active Metal who are keeping our construction sites and other industries going. There has never been a time when Australian Made was so relevant!

Let’s all do our bit in supporting Australian jobs and futures.

Across Australia and the world, individuals, families, communities and businesses are adjusting to the new reality of the COVID-19 virus. In spite of the current climate of uncertainty and the need to do things entirely differently, Active Metal continues to manufacture all of its structural steel and fabricated metalwork products right here in Australia, and will continue to support our clients, our builders and our employees through these difficult times, as long as the construction and manufacturing industries stays open!

You can rely on Active Metal for custom steel stairs, balustrades, handrails, structural steel and architectural metal projects. Whatever your current need is, we’re here to help you!

So in spite of these challenging times, we should all celebrate Australian Made products! Let’s support Australian livelihoods.

The safety and well-being of our team, partners and clients at the current time remains of utmost importance, so keep safe, keep well and follow the Governments directions!


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